





1. 当归(Angelica Sinensis):当归被誉为“女人的圣药”,因其具有补血活血、调经止痛的功效。其名字“当归”寓意着“应当归来”,象征着治愈疾病、恢复健康的过程,也有家庭团聚、回归本源的温馨意象。

2. 远志(Polygala Tenuifolia):远志是一味具有益智、安神功效的中药。其名字象征着远大的志向和抱负,寓意着人们追求身心健康、智慧开明的美好愿望。

3. 凌霄(Dioscorea Opposita):凌霄花是一种具有药用价值的植物,其名字意味着“凌云之志,直上九霄”,象征着不断向上、积极进取的精神风貌。

4. 白术(Atractylodes Lancea):白术具有健脾燥湿、益气止汗的功效。其名字“白术”寓意着“洁白无瑕的技艺”,象征着精湛的医术和高尚的医德。

5. 玄参(Scrophularia Ningpoensis):玄参具有清热生津、益气止渴的功效。其名字“玄参”寓意着“神秘的参与”,象征着中药的神奇功效和人们的探索精神。

6. 川芎(Cnidium Monnieri):川芎具有活血调经、疏风止痒的功效。其名字“川芎”寓意着“四川的芎”,象征着中药的地域特色和独特的疗效。

7. 甘草(Glycyrrhiza Uralensis):甘草具有调和诸药、清热解毒、润肺止咳的功效。其名字“甘草”寓意着“甘甜的草”,象征着中药的美味和治愈的力量。


1. 当归 - Angelica Sinensis, the "Holy Medicine for Women," symbolizes the return to health and well-being, as well as the warmth of family reunion.

2. 远志 - Polygala Tenuifolia, with its ambitious connotations, represents people's pursuit of physical and mental well-being and enlightenment.

3. 凌霄 - Dioscorea Opposita, with its name meaning "Aspiring to Reach the Clouds," symbolizes the spirit of continuous improvement and positive attitude.

4. 白术 - Atractylodes Lancea, named "Pure and Impressive Technique," represents the exquisite medical skills and noble medical ethics.

5. 玄参 - Scrophularia Ningpoensis, named "Mysterious Participation," symbolizes the神奇的功效 and people's spirit of exploration.

6. 川芎 - Cnidium Monnieri, named after its place of origin in Sichuan, symbolizes the regional characteristics of Chinese medicine and its unique therapeutic effects.

7. 甘草 - Glycyrrhiza Uralensis, named "Sweet Herbs," represents the delicious taste of Chinese medicine and its healing power.


本文由作者笔名:风萧萧 于 2024-05-31 19:36:02 发表在本站,原创文章,禁止转载,文章内容仅供娱乐参考,不能盲信。
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